
The pearl of the Black Sea

Ave Maria, I could say. I spent last week with a guitar man on the coast of the Black Sea. We found a fine terrace bar with great personnel.

During daytime we spent some lazy days in sunshine listening waves of the Black Sea and smelling the salt of it. It differs a lot from the Baltic Sea.

I offered a drink to a young lady on our first day. Maria is her name. She is like an young Lady Venus. Chatting to her was like being in paradise or in heaven.

Now I've found the pearl of the Black Sea. Ave Maria.



Tournament, Part 3

I had lots of fun with a guitar man in Bulgaria last week. My third round in chess tournament got a little bit complicated. Serbian Predrag had beaten Irish Paul in one game. In my games against Paul I exceeded my time limit because my flight back was delayed 32,5 hours. We got onto local newspaper in Finland. Finally I got back to Helsinki yesterday midnight.

I sent a message to Paul asking him to restart one of my lost games. I felt it had been my mistake anyway and I would have been happy to continue just one of those. Irish are great, I tell you. Paul answered he knows how it is to have forfeited a game and told me I should have asked to continue both of the games. I was more than happy to get to continue one of those lost games. I told Paul I shall ask a million pound refund from airline for the other game. Service was not that good either.

So now Predrag is leading with one victory and has three more to go. Paul has got one loss and one win. I have one loss and three more to go. There is a lot to do in my recent games. Situations are even in every one of them. I do hope they will be interesting games in the future as well.

The best thing in it was that I had a nice chat with Paul about Irish pubs and Guinness. Some of the best things in the world, allthough I prefer Bulgarian women. I'll be getting back to you.