
Mary and me, Part 14

What life is about

Half past four in the morning. I have not slept a bit. Feel better now. Desperate Mr. Melancholy is gone, but not for good. Just for the time being.

Put Groove FM on. Groovy music. Sitting naked on Mary's chair and writing to you in candle light. Stupid commercials. Now a good version of Proud Mary. Great music. Another channel, Eric Clapton from a soundtrack. I do not recognize the movie. Classical on again.

By the way I heard Mary playing Bach. It was great. Her instrument, the flute, is a beauty. In the beginning her voice was shivering, but she bravely played it through. Well, she is a professional. Right now maybe not in such a good shape. But she will get better, if she wants to. We all do, if we want to...

That is what life is about: getting better at different things. Then something might take it back and then we get better again. Life needs to be lived. That is what I hope I can say as my last words. Life needs to be lived. Neither worried, nor stayed in a closet. Live a life, I say.