
Mary and me, Part 7


It was independence day yesterday. My independence is gone. I'm in love. I want to be by her side.

Yesterday Finland celebrated her 90th independence day. Some say Finland's independence is gone too. When there was a historical election for joining the European Union, I was working abroad. Sometimes it is better to give something to achieve more.

It is almost Christmas time. I am Mary's present and she is mine. I think we both want to give to each other to achieve more. I don't know about her independence, but I gave some of mine away when we became a couple. And I am happy for it.

I´ve made my choice and I feel good about it. A lot needs to be done in this relationship to make it last, but that's the way it is. Some things also need not to be done. I think I´m better in not doing rather than in doing.

Sometimes when you do, it's too much. Other times when you do less, it's not enough. I hope this relationship is a way to do things right. Neither too much, nor too little, but enough. I might be better in giving rather than in taking. I hope that is the way I am. Mary might have another point of view.

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